The Katonah Study Group For Integrative Medicine
Presents: Paul Epstein, ND
February 16, 2011
Katonah Library
$15 (unless you are a member)
Please bring your favorite dish - drinks will be provided
Transforming Illness Into A Self Healing Journey: How Biography Becomes Biology
Disease tells a story, not just about our cells and a diagnosis, but about our self and our life. We will explore the mind body connection and the role of attitudes, beliefs, stresses and emotions in the healing process. Our challenge is the integration of curing and healing. Learn how healing happens when we engage in our inner healer and how illness is an opportunity to embark on a journey of self-healing and awakening.
Paul Epstein, ND is a naturopathic physician, mind-body therapist, mindfulness meditation teacher, international speaker and workshop leader with over twenty five years experience in Mind-Body Integrative Medicine and its clinical application. A 1984 graduate of the National College of Naturopathic Medicine, he did a residency in behavioral medicine, stress, and lifestyle counseling.
He has trained in the Internal Family Systems Model of Psychotherapy, studied at the Academy for Clinical Guided Imagery, completed the three-year training program for meditation teachers at the Spirit Rock Meditation Center, and is a certified yoga teacher. He is the guiding teacher of the Insight Meditation Community of Fairfield County, and is a faculty member for The Graduate Institute Masters Degree Programs in Experiential Health and Healing and Holistic Thinking, and has taught counseling at the Naturopathic College at the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut.
He travels worldwide leading mindful healing retreats and trainings and mentors health care professionals to integrate mind-body therapies in their life and clinical work. As a practitioner, he integrates a whole-person integrative approach with contemplative psychotherapy. He maintains a private practice in Westport, Ct. transforming stress, pain and illness into a journey of self healing and an opportunity for spiritual awakening.
Membership Privileges
Fifty dollars lasts all year (Compare to 15 dollars a meeting at the door!)
Future Scheduled Dates:
March 16th
remainder of dates will follow.
We look forward to an exciting year of learning and networking with you - The Katonah Study Group
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